
Do I Need Dentures or Implants?

March 12, 2024

In line with the American Academy of Implant Dentistry statistics, approximately 30 million Americans are missing all of their teeth in one or both jaws. If you belong in this group, you’ve probably thought of getting dentures or dental implants in 33317. Since it's crucial to grasp their distinctions before making a choice, it’s best to go over their benefits and drawbacks.

dentist shows teeth model in course of explaining implants in 33317

Advantages and Disadvantages

Dental Implants

The most common benefit that dental implants can offer is that they are simple to maintain. Brushing and flossing is all it takes to keep them clean. Also, since the implant replaces the root and tooth, they mimic the appearance and feel of natural teeth. With dental implants, you can enjoy any meal, including crunchy and sticky foods.Another advantage of choosing dental implants is that they don’t have a negative impact on how you speak. Moreover, they prevent jawbone deterioration because the implants act as tooth roots that stimulate bone growth. Future dental operations are less likely to be necessary for them. Unlike other tooth-replacement options, dental implants are permanent fixtures that are designed to last a lifetime with the right maintenance.Dental implants can be more expensive, but aside from this, implants typically require surgery to install. Hence, you’ll need sufficient time to recover.

3D model of dentures before showing implants in 33317


The majority of patients choose dentures because they are less expensive than implants. Since they are the more affordable option, many patients start with dentures to test them out and see how they feel.Starting with dentures will give your body time to recuperate if you recently had your teeth extracted. Also, this dental treatment may be the ideal answer, depending on where the lost teeth are located. Patients frequently comment on how nice and comfortable top dentures are to wear. Lastly, they are made using a non-invasive procedure. Hence, no surgery is necessary.Since dentures aren’t permanent fixtures, they must regularly be taken out or professionally cleaned, if necessary. They may also require adhesives and cups.Dentures can occasionally move around your mouth, making it challenging to speak and swallow. Additionally, they may require you to avoid certain foods, including corn on a cob, apples, and caramel. If food gets caught between the dentures, there is a higher chance of developing gum disease.Unlike dental implants that can last for more than 20 years, dentures may require replacement every three to six years. If dropped, they will break and need to be replaced. Additionally, it is well known that partial dentures weaken the natural teeth that support them.

patient choosing implants in 33317

Still Not Sure Whether You’ll Get Dentures or Dental Implants in 33317?

The person who can best advise you on whatever course of action is best for you and your mouth is ultimately your dentist. While you may choose to begin with dentures and move on to implants later, implants are a more long-term solution.Regardless of the option you choose, you will want to get the greatest dental insurance available. At Midtown Dental Studio, our dental professionals will be glad to assist you in making your decision. Your dental health is our top priority. Contact us today!

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